Supporting Technical Assessments

Oceana Gold Project Quattro Project Quattro Geochemical Assessment – Tailings and Overburden, Treatment and Mitigation \\\lfs\APAC\Christchurch-NZCHC1\Legacy\Projects\605X\60544823\6. Draft Docs\6.1 Reports\Waihi North\App D - Kinetic and Column Testing\WNP Draft v6_App D (Kinetic Column Testing)_20220504.docx Revision 5 – 07-Aug-2020 Prepared for – Anderson Lloyd – Co No.: 5719274 2.2 Kinetic Testing Analytical Results A summary of the kinetic tests is provided in Tables D1 through D7. A visual representation of the results for pH, electrical conductivity, sulphate, and a range of trace elements over the test period for each humidity cell are provided in Figure D4 and Figure D5. Of note is the depressed pH and elevated trace element concentrations in cells UW507-0016 and UW533-052. This coincides with these cells having the highest acid producing potential (refer to Figure D1). The cell with the highest NAG pH (UW514-0032) exhibited depressed trace element concentrations and a pH similar to the control cell. Mercury (which is elevated in the breccia overburden compared to previous site material) was only detected in three samples over the test period.