Supporting Technical Assessments

Oceana Gold Project Quattro Project Quattro Geochemical Assessment – Tailings and Overburden, Treatment and Mitigation \\\lfs\APAC\Christchurch-NZCHC1\Legacy\Projects\605X\60544823\6. Draft Docs\6.1 Reports\Waihi North\App D - Kinetic and Column Testing\WNP Draft v6_App D (Kinetic Column Testing)_20220504.docx Revision 5 – 07-Aug-2020 Prepared for – Anderson Lloyd – Co No.: 5719274 Based on the stated selection criteria, the resultant selected cores only represent a small portion of the overburden material. However, they represent a ‘worse case’ sub-set with respect to the acid producing potential and trace element leaching, providing valuable information with regard to the geochemical properties and behaviour of the hydrothermal breccia material. Examples of core intervals selected for kinetic testing are shown in Figure D2. Note, selected core intervals were processed to rock chips by SGS New Zealand Limited. Final samples comprised material where 80% passed through a 3.6 mm sieve opening. A total of six samples were selected from boreholes UW500, UW507, UW514 and UW533, advanced within or adjacent to the Gladstone Pit. The borehole locations are shown on Figure D3. The selected samples and depth intervals were as follows: • UW500-0184; 145.5 to 146.5 m • UW507-0016; 19.9 to 20.7 m • UW514-0013; 40 to 40.5 m • UW514-0027; 50 to 51 m • UW514-0032; 55 to 56 m • UW533-0052; 50 to 51.2 m