Supporting Technical Assessments

EGL Ref: 8983 23 June 2022 Page 41 WAI-985-000-REP-LC-0004_Rev0.docx This report shall only be read in its entirety. of potential deficiencies or adverse trends; and to fulfil legislative and regulatory requirements. Instrumentation for monitoring the performance is summarised below: i. Piezometers will be installed in the embankment and tailings. They are to be read monthly. ii. Inclinometers will be installed at the toe of the embankment and be measured monthly. iii. Deformation monitoring stations on the embankment are to be read at regular lift intervals determined by the Designer or at least annually. iv. Seepage flows in the various subsurface drains are to be measured weekly. v. The decant pond water level is to be measured weekly to check that sufficient freeboard is available to meet the resource consent conditions. vi. Weekly visual inspection of the embankment, decant pond, adjacent areas and the uphill diversion drain. The OMS Manual and the TSFMP will be updated to include surveillance and monitoring at Storage 3. They will include trigger levels and trigger action response plans and include data evaluation and reporting requirements. 16.5. Emergency Preparedness All dams should have emergency response procedures in place to manage and reduce the consequences associated with failure. The NZDSG provide guidance for an Emergency Action Plan (EAP) specific to dam safety. The EAP for the existing TSFs (Ref. 24) is to be updated to include Storage 3. This is to be incorporated in the Waihi Operation Emergency Management Plan (EMP Ref. 25) which covers the whole mine site. The EAP describes the procedures, responsibilities and actions in emergency conditions. The purpose of the EAP for Storage 3 is to provide a pre-determined plan of actions to be implemented if a dam safety emergency develops. An EAP is designed to: 1. Minimise the potential for failure should a potential safety emergency arises. 2. Limit the effects of a failure on people, property and the environment if failure cannot be prevented. An EAP includes the following information: • Guidance on the identification of emergency conditions and the evaluation and classification of the conditions; • Guidance on the notification procedure depending on the class of emergency; • Inundation maps that show the possible extent of flooding in the event of a dam breach. Inundation maps for a dam breach are included in the Dam Breach Study report (Ref. 19); • Summary of possible emergency conditions and what to look for; • Summary of actions to prevent failure; • Contact list for emergency services and downstream property owners that could be affected by a TSF breach; • Maps showing access to the site; • Methods of communication in an emergency; • Sources of materials and updating of EAP, and • Training.