Supporting Technical Assessments

EGL Ref: 8983 23 June 2022 Page 37 WAI-985-000-REP-LC-0004_Rev0.docx This report shall only be read in its entirety. Drawing No. Drawing Title WAI-983-080-DWG-CI-0556 Sections - Storage 3 Perimeter Bund - Tails / Waste Rock 080 WAI-983-080-DWG-CI-0608 Sections - Storage 3 Collection Pond - Tails / Waste Rock 080 WAI-983-080-DWG-CI-0620 Layout Plan - Storage 3 Subsurface Drain - Tails / Waste Rock 080 WAI-983-080-DWG-CI-0621 Details - Storage 3 Subsurface Drain- Tails / Waste Rock 080 WAI-983-080-DWG-CI-0622 Details - Storage 3 Subsurface Drain- Tails / Waste Rock 080 WAI-983-080-DWG-CI-0626 Layout Plan - Storage 3 Leachate Drain - Tails / Waste Rock 080 WAI-983-080-DWG-CI-0627 Details - Storage 3 Leachate Drain - Tails / Waste Rock 080 WAI-983-080-DWG-CI-0639 Details - Storage 3 Drainage - Tails / Waste Rock 080 WAI-983-080-DWG-CI-0690 Layout Plan - Storage 3 Closure – Tails / Waste Rock 080 15.0 CONSTRUCTION Construction will be undertaken by an independent Contractor supervised by OGNZL. The NZDSG provide guidance on construction and recommend for High PIC dams that the works be undertaken by a Contractor with experience in similar Medium or High PIC dams and on-site construction should be managed by a representative of the Contractor with experience in the construction of Medium or High PIC dams. The Contractor shall prepare a Quality Assurance Plan. This plan shall set out specifically, among the other things that are required under a quality assurance plan, the requirements and obligations for control testing of the Works. In this regard, and as a minimum, the Quality Assurance Plan shall state: i. How the Contractor will use the control test results to satisfy that it has met the requirements of the Specification; ii. Personnel responsible for reviewing and confirming that the requirements of the Specification have been met; iii. Documentation of test results; iv. Corrective action procedures. As-built records of construction will be the responsibility of OGNZL. Records shall include: i. As-built survey records, of all stripped surfaces prior to placement of fill and all final surfaces ii. Earthworks quantities iii. Photographs iv. Quality control test results including results from tests undertaken by the Independent Testing Authority v. Construction plant vi. Notes on any issues that arise during construction