Supporting Technical Assessments

GHD | Oceana Gold NZ Ltd | 12552081 | Geochemical Assessment Wharekirauponga Underground Mine (WAI985-000-REP-LC-0013) 18 Figure 8 Box plot showing the concentration ranges of selenium in spoil material Figure 9 Box plot showing the concentration ranges of antimony in spoil material The box and whisker data show that statistical variation exists between each of sites. Arsenic and antimony show elevated concentrations surrounding the orebodies while iron and selenium are comparatively depressed. Spoil material from the portal area and within the Willows Access Tunnel alignment is comparable in trace element composition currently encountered at OceanaGold’s Waihi operations. The WUG Mine shows that arsenic is elevated while iron shows relatively depressed concentrations in respect to the Willows Access Tunnel and the current Martha dataset. 4.2.4 Distribution of Trace and Major Elements An assessment of the distribution of the trace and major elements within the spoil shows that elevated concentrations are most prevalent the closer to the orebody the cores are located. Figure 10 - Figure 12 show cross section profiles of the T-Stream and EG-Vein orebodies with associated drill holes and cores showing categorised concentrations. From Figure 10 - Figure 12 a pattern of increasing concentrations with depth (and closeness to the identified ore bodies) can be observed with the higher concentrations (signified as red and pink) focused within the