Supporting Technical Assessments

GHD | Oceana Gold NZ Ltd | 12552081 | Geochemical Assessment Wharekirauponga Underground Mine (WAI985-000-REP-LC-0013) 17 4.2.3 Statistical Analysis of Spoil Geochemistry Spoil geochemistry datasets for the proposed Willows Access Tunnel and the WUG Mine were assessed to determine whether significant variation exists between each of the sites. The following analytes were selected due to having either elevated geochemical abundance indexes or elevated mean values compared to the Earth’s crust:  Arsenic (As);  Iron (Fe);  Selenium (Se); and  Antimony (Sb). Figure 6 to Figure 9 show the summarised results and show the distribution from highest node to lowest node: maximum / 75%ile / Median / 25%ile / minimum concentrations. Each of the box plots assumes that values reported at the laboratory analytical detection limit are equal to the analytical detection limit. Figure 6 Box plot showing the concentration ranges of arsenic in spoil material Figure 7 Box plot showing the concentration ranges of iron in spoil material