Supporting Technical Assessments

GHD | Oceana Gold NZ Ltd | 12552081 | Geochemical Assessment Wharekirauponga Underground Mine (WAI985-000-REP-LC-0013) 14 4.2.2 WUG Mine – Multi Element Analysis Analytical results from core representative of WUG Mine spoil surrounding the EG-Vein and the T-Stream orebodies are summarised in Table 2. The dataset includes the multi-element analysis from core samples collected from drill cores that intersect with each of the orebodies. Data from EG-Vein and T-Stream were considered comparable and therefore these datasets have been combined throughout the assessment. When assessing the trace and major elements, arsenic concentrations (Table 2) have an elevated geochemical abundance index of 7 compared to the range observed at Waihi (geochemical abundance index of 2 – 5). Average iron concentrations at the WUG Mine (1.5 %) are lower compared to mean concentrations for the various Waihi areas (3.1 % – 6.6 %) (AECOM, 2022). Other trace and major elements have either lower or comparable concentrations (and range) to the existing Waihi datasets outlined in both AECOM 2018 and AECOM 2022.