Supporting Technical Assessments

GHD | Oceana Gold NZ Ltd | 12552081 | Geochemical Assessment Wharekirauponga Underground Mine (WAI985-000-REP-LC-0013) 10 4.1.2 WUG Mine (Wharekirauponga Orebodies) For this assessment exploration drilling has been utilised to characterise the spoil surrounding the Wharekirauponga orebodies. Core samples consist of material taken from the T-Stream and the EG-Vein orebodies. Drillhole locations in relation to each orebody are indicated on Figure 5. To better characterise the EG-Vein orebody geochemistry, it has been separated into two distinct areas (North and South) which roughly coincide with areas covered from Drill Site 4 – North and Drill Site 1 – South. Drill core from Drill Site 2 is used as representative of the T-Stream Vein. In addition, core from drill hole location WKP100 and WKP102 located at the southern boundary of the identified orebody and close to where the Willows Access Tunnel alignment meets the WKP Mine are considered representative of spoil from the far end of the Willows Access Tunnel. Figure 5 Map showing the drillhole distribution within the T-Stream and EG-Veins Drill Site 4 (Northern portion of the EG-Vein) Drill Site 1 (Southern portion of the EG-Vein) Drill Site 2