GHD | Oceana Gold NZ Ltd | 12552081 | Geochemical Assessment Wharekirauponga Underground Mine (WAI985-000-REP-LC-0013) 7 wetting and drying cycles, temperature, presence of bacteria, and presence of acid consuming materials (neutralisation capacity). The following analytical testing methods are commonly used to characterise spoil material with respect to its acid generating potential: Multi-element analysis – whole-rock testing for a range of trace and major elements to allow characterisation of the rock for potential contaminants that may leach and adversely influence water quality. Kinetic testing – accelerated weathering of selected crushed spoil samples to assess the potential acid generation and trace element leaching. Column testing – on site weathering of selected crushed spoil samples exposed to atmospheric conditions to assess the rate of reactions and management practices. The geochemistry of the area associated with mining activities in and surrounding the Waihi area is well understood and characterised as a result of 30 years of mining by OceanaGold at its Waihi operations. During this time existing spoil management practices on the Waihi site have been developed and refined. These practices have proven to be appropriate for controlling AMD. It is considered that due to the location of the proposed Willows Access Tunnel and WUG Mine in relation to the well characterised material (associated with the operations at Waihi), and the conceptual knowledge of the geology and geochemistry of the area of interest (i.e., the Access Tunnel and WUG Mine), the spoil material is likely to behave in a manner that is geochemically similar to spoil associated with operations at Waihi.