GHD | Oceana Gold NZ Ltd | 12552081 | Geochemical Assessment Wharekirauponga Underground Mine (WAI985-000-REP-LC-0013) 3 Figure 2 Willows Road Farm Portal Area and Associated Surface Facilities Area 1.2 Scope of Works GHD Limited (GHD) has been commissioned by OceanaGold to build on work previously completed and to deliver the following studies relating to geochemistry for the Wharekirauponga component of the Waihi North Project: Review of available geochemical data, characterisation and assessment of the acid forming properties of the Willows Access Tunnel spoil material and how this will influence spoil storage and resultant runoff and seepage; Review of available geochemical data, characterisation and assessment of the acid forming properties of the WUG Mine and how this will influence spoil storage and resultant runoff and seepage; Outline any recommended strategies to minimise the onset of acidification (where applicable) and likely leachate and runoff water quality from the rock storage area; Derive representative water quality for the Willows Access Tunnel / mine groundwater inflow and WRS runoff and seepage in order to inform collection and treatment requirements. 1.3 Scope and limitations This report: has been prepared by GHD for OceanaGold NZ Ltd and may only be used and relied on by OceanaGold NZ Ltd. for the purpose agreed between GHD and the OceanaGold NZ Ltd as set out in the document “Waihi North Project Technical Studies to Support Resource Consent Application – Water Studies (Project Scope and Cost Estimate) dated 08 June 2021 and subsequent variations to this scope”.