Supporting Technical Assessments

Oceana Gold Waihi North Project Waihi North Project Geochemical Assessment – Geochemistry of Tailings and Overburden, Treatment and Mitigation Revision 9 – 17-Jun-2022 Prepared for – Oceana Gold (New Zealand) Limited – Co No.: 2274246 A-1 AECOM Appendix A Whole Rock Geochemistry Dataset A A1. Geochemical Assessment A1.1 Introduction The geochemical assessment of ore, tailings, and rock produced from the proposed mining components was carried out using statistical comparison of analytical results for Martha, Favona, Trio, WUG, Gladstone and Correnso rock samples, acid-base accounting, and predictive modelling of impacts to water quality. Existing geochemical data has been sourced from Martha, Favona, Trio, Wharekirauponga, Gladstone and Correnso operations, as well as the consented Project Martha (comprising MOP4 and MUG) and the various technical reports that were produced for these mining operations. The source of this information is summarised in Table 27. Table 27 Geochemistry Source Data Summary A1.1.1 Characterisation Philosophy Initial screening of ore and rock was undertaken for a broad range of major and trace elements typically considered in the assessment of rock composition and potential contaminants of environmental concern. Additional elements were also included where they had previously been present in elevated concentrations in rock and ore from the Waihi operations, where consent conditions stipulated discharge concentrations, and / or where they had previously been depressed in rock and ore from current and previous operations but had the potential to be present at elevated concentrations in the new mining areas. This testing was undertaken as screening, to identify those trace elements that may be present at elevated concentrations relative to a typical background (mean earth crust) and that differ from rock and ore recovered from existing mining operations in the Waihi area. The specific intention of this