Oceana Gold Waihi North Project Waihi North Project Geochemical Assessment – Geochemistry of Tailings and Overburden, Treatment and Mitigation Revision 0 – 17-Jun-2022 Prepared for – Oceana Gold (New Zealand) Limited – Co No.: 2274246 60 AECOM 10.0 Standard Limitations AECOM New Zealand Ltd (AECOM) has prepared this report in accordance with the usual care and thoroughness of the consulting profession for the use of Oceana Gold (New Zealand) Limited and only those third parties who have been authorised in writing by AECOM to rely on this Report. It is based on generally accepted practices and standards at the time it was prepared. No other warranty, expressed or implied, is made as to the professional advice included in this Report. It is prepared in accordance with the scope of work and for the purpose outlined in the contract dated 19th May 2017 and subsequent variations. Where this Report indicates that information has been provided to AECOM by third parties, AECOM has made no independent verification of this information except as expressly stated in the Report. AECOM assumes no liability for any inaccuracies in or omissions to that information. This Report was prepared between 19th of May 2017 and the 17th of June 2022 and is based on the conditions encountered and information reviewed at the time of preparation. AECOM disclaims responsibility for any changes that may have occurred after this time. This Report should be read in full. No responsibility is accepted for use of any part of this report in any other context or for any other purpose or by third parties. This Report does not purport to give legal advice. Legal advice can only be given by qualified legal practitioners. Except as required by law, no third party may use or rely on this Report unless otherwise agreed by AECOM in writing. Where such agreement is provided, AECOM will provide a letter of reliance to the agreed third party in the form required by AECOM. To the extent permitted by law, AECOM expressly disclaims and excludes liability for any loss, damage, cost or expenses suffered by any third party relating to or resulting from the use of, or reliance on, any information contained in this Report. AECOM does not admit that any action, liability or claim may exist or be available to any third party. Except as specifically stated in this section, AECOM does not authorise the use of this Report by any third party. It is the responsibility of third parties to independently make inquiries or seek advice in relation to their particular requirements and proposed use of the site. Any estimates of potential costs which have been provided are presented as estimates only as at the date of the Report. Any cost estimates that have been provided may therefore vary from actual costs at the time of expenditure.