Supporting Technical Assessments

Oceana Gold Waihi North Project Waihi North Project Geochemical Assessment – Geochemistry of Tailings and Overburden, Treatment and Mitigation Revision 0 – 17-Jun-2022 Prepared for – Oceana Gold (New Zealand) Limited – Co No.: 2274246 4 AECOM Figure 2 Waihi North Project – Cumulative Rock Disposal 1.2 Report Structure This report is structured in the following manner: • Section 2: Geology and Mineralogy – describes the geological setting of the greater Waihi epithermal area and the corresponding mineralogy associated with hydrothermal alteration and ore deposits in the area. • Section 3: Geochemical Assessment – describes the analysis and assessment of ore and rock undertaken to characterise the geochemistry of these materials. • Section 4: Rock – describes the geochemistry of rock (non-ore material) and to what extent it differs from rock recovered from the existing Correnso, Martha, Favona, Trio, and Martha Underground Mine including the Rex Vein (MUG mines), and the consented Martha Open Pit Phase 4 (MOP4) mine. • Section 5: Gladstone Sump Quality – provides estimated sump water quality during the development stage of GOP prior to backfilling. • Section 6: Rock Management – describes the proposed management of rock for the proposed developments, including stockpiling and the associated oxidation and release of contaminants from rock stockpiles. • Section 7: Mine Tailings and Tailings Management – describes management of mine tailings, the assessment of tailings and tailings pore water composition and impacts to the decant and seepage from the tailings storage facility associated with the placement of ore from the proposed mining development into the existing tailings storage facilities and the proposed new storage facility. • Section 8: Conclusion – outlines the geochemical assessment conclusions with regard to composition of rock and ore and potential effects to groundwater quality and the tailings storage facility discharges (seepage and decant water).