Supporting Technical Assessments

iv This report shall only be read in its entirety. File: WAI-985-000-REP-LC-0002_Rev0.docx. 4.9.3. Environmental monitoring 34 4.9.4. Deformation monitoring 34 4.9.5. Surface water diversion and collection ponds 35 5.0 FAILURE OF TAILINGS STORAGE FACILITIES COMPARED TOWAIHI TSFS 36 6.0 INPUTS FOR TECHNICAL DESIGN OF TAILINGS STORAGE AND ROCK DISPOSAL 37 6.1. Future Sources of Ore 37 6.2. Affected stakeholders 40 6.3. Geotechnical stability 40 6.4. Geochemical stability 40 6.5. Groundwater quality 40 6.6. Surface water quality 40 6.7. Rehabilitation 41 6.7.1. Rehabilitation of slopes 41 6.7.2. Tailings pond surface 41 6.8. Sterilisation of resource 42 7.0 REVIEW OF TECHNOLOGIES FOR TAILING DISPOSAL 42 7.1. Tailings Technologies 42 7.1.1. Conventional slurry tailings 42 7.1.2. Thickened tailings 42 7.1.3. Paste 43 7.1.4. Filtered tailings 43 8.0 POTENTIAL LOCATIONS FOR EXPANSION OF TAILINGS STORAGE AND ROCK DISPOSAL 44 8.1. Existing Storage 2 site 44 8.2. Existing Storage 1A site 44 8.3. North of Storage 2 45 8.4. Northeast of Storage 2 45 8.5. Northeast valley 45 8.6. Site east of Storage 1A 46 8.7. Beyond the current Development Site 46 8.8. Martha Open Pit 46 8.9. Gladstone Open Pit 46 8.10. Underground 47 9.0 OPTIONS FOR DISPOSAL OF TAILINGS AND MINE PIT OVERBURDEN 50