Supporting Technical Assessments

EGL Ref: 9049 23 June 2022 Page 42 File: WAI-985-000-REP-LC-0050-Rev0.docx This report shall only be read in its entirety. Figure 29: WUG Access Tunnel – Geological Section Figure 30: WUG Access Tunnel – Geological Section Figure 31: Waihi North Project - WUG Geology Plan Figure 32: Waihi North Project - WUG Geology Cross Section Figure 33: Waihi Piezometer Network 2021 Figure 34: Alluvium water level contours Figure 35: Groundwater level trends - Shallow groundwater (alluvium & weathered contact of young volcanics) Figure 36: Deeper younger volcanic water level contours Figure 37: Groundwater level trends - deeper younger volcanic materials Figure 38: Andesite - younger volcanic materials contact in Martha Pit Figure 39: Andesite water level contours Figure 40: Groundwater level trends – Martha andesite Figure 41: Groundwater level trends - Favona andesite Figure 42: Piezometer readings in Borehole P2 Figure 43: Piezometer readings in Borehole P8 Figure 44: Piezometer readings in Borehole P90-95 Figure 45: Piezometer readings in Borehole P100-102 Figure 46: Favona Graben and Union Horst Piezometers Figure 47: Ground settlement markers and contours - Waihi town plan 1:20,000 Figure 48: Ground settlement markers and contours - Waihi town plan 1:10,000 Figure 49: Ground settlement markers and contours - Waihi town plan 1:10,000 Figure 50: Plan of Settlement Zones within Waihi township as at December 1995 Figure 51: Project Martha - Settlement Zones Figure 52: Settlement marks triggered during November 2020 survey Figure 53: Waihi North Project - Ground Settlement Zone 1 - Settlement Trigger Level 55mm Figure 54: Waihi North Project - Ground Settlement Zone 2 - Settlement Trigger 65mm Figure 55: Waihi North Project - Ground Settlement Zone 3 - Settlement Trigger 95mm Figure 56: Waihi North Project - Ground Settlement Zone 4 - Settlement Trigger Level 160mm Figure 57: Waihi North Project - Ground Settlement Zone 5 - Settlement Trigger Level 260mm Figure 58: Waihi North Project - Ground Settlement Zone 5 (Excl. Favona Points) Settlement Trigger Level 260mm