Supporting Technical Assessments

EGL Ref: 9049 23 June 2022 Page 2 File: WAI-985-000-REP-LC-0050-Rev0.docx This report shall only be read in its entirety. land administered by the Department of Conservation (DOC) (Coromandel Forest Park). WUG will comprise surface infrastructure, tunnel portals, a tunnelling system and the mine itself. o Site infrastructure supporting the mine will be located on OGNZL owned farmland located at the end of Willows Road, with only minimal surface features within the forest, in the form of fenced vent raises, on legal paper road owned by the Hauraki District Council; o Portal (Willows Portal) and a single tunnel (Willows Access Tunnel) at Willows Road to the edge of Coromandel Forest Park (1,300 m long); o Ventilation shaft on the Willows Road farm south of the Coromandel Forest Park (250 m long). This shaft will act as an exhaust during tunnel construction before being converted to an intake during mining operations; o Dual (access) tunnel (Wharekirauponga Dual Tunnel) from the edge of Coromandel Forest Park to the footwall of the Wharekirauponga orebody (5,500 m long); o Multiple declines as the dual tunnel approaches the top of WUG, for access to the lower portions of the orebody (500 – 1,200 m long); o Cross cuts at 200 m spacing along the length of the Wharekirauponga Dual Tunnel, providing a connection between the intake and exhaust tunnels (1,000 m total); o Portal (WUG Portal) and single ore transport tunnel (Wharekirauponga Access Tunnel) near the Processing Plant that connects with the dual tunnels at the Willows Road farm vent raise (approximately 5,000 m long); o New Martha Underground (MUG) decline from the cut for the WUG Portal to the existing Trio decline, passing under the south end of Moore Street; and o A link or bypass drive that connects the single Willows Access Tunnel to the single Wharekirauponga Access Tunnel from Waihi (270 m in length). This is to allow long term access between the two portals (Willows Portal and WUG Portal). • Modifications to the existing overland and load out conveyors to allow waste rock loading and conveying to the NRS and return of rock to the plant for backfilling; and • Upgrading of the existing Waihi Processing Plant to enable ore processing up to 2.25 million tonnes per annum (MTPA), up from 1.25 MTPA currently. 1.2. Project elements with potential ground settlement effects Elements associated with the WNP that have potential ground settlement effects are: • Gladstone Open Pit • Willows Access Tunnel Willows Road Ventilation Shaft • Wharekirauponga Dual Tunnel Up to 4 ventilation shafts at WUG • WUG Mine drives, shafts and stopes • Wharekirauponga Access Tunnel New MUG decline The other elements of the projects are developed at the surface and do not have any notable potential ground settlement effects beyond their footprint and therefore do not require assessment as part of this report.