Supporting Technical Assessments

WKP PFS – Geotechnical Section Approved by: Approval Date: TBA OceanaGold PEX-000-PLN-046-A Page 4 of 22 1.2.2 Major Structural Figure 4 was taken from the Scoping Study (SRK, 2019). All of the stopes in PFS design are located east of the Andesite Dyke. Figure 4: A) View of stopes and major structures; B) Horizontal cross section (50 m RL) showing stopes and orientation of major structures. 1.3 Structural Sets The structural orientations shown in Figure 5 stereonets were analysed in the Scoping Study (SRK, 2019). This information has not been updated or re-analysed for the PFS. The general conclusion from the Scoping Study was that the structural sets strike parallel to structural veins (~ 020o), with the dip angle varying from 40o to 90o toward the northwest. Figure 5: Lithological based sets