Supporting Technical Assessments

GHD | Oceana Gold (New Zealand) Limited | 12537997 | Gladstone Pit TSF 48 10. References AECOM (2021). Waihi North Project Geochemical Assessment Report (Draft). October 2021. EGL (2019). Gladstone Pit TSF versus TSF1A RL 177.25 etc. Spreadsheet prepared by EGL providing high level cost comparison of different tailings storage options. EGL (2021). Gladstone Pit – Memo on Land Surface Stability. January 2021. EGL email correspondence dated 3rd February 2021 GHD (2021a). Waihi North Groundwater Assessment (Draft). October 2021. GHD (2021b) Waihi North Project. Water Management Studies. July 2021 GHD (2020). Gladstone Pit Options Study – Tailings and Non-Tailings Closure Options. November 2020. GWS (2021) Gladstone Hill Wetland – Interpretation of hydrogeologic conditions and potential effects from the proposed Gladstone Open Pit. Jul 2021. Heller, V., Hager, W., & Minor, H. (2009). Landslide generated impulse waves in reservoirs –basics and computations. VAW-Mitteilungen Li, A.L., Been, K., Wislesky, I, Eldridge, T. and Williams, D. (2012). Tailings initial consolidation and evaporative drying after deposition. The International Seminar on Paste and Thickened Tailings, Paste 2012, 16–19 April, 2012, Sun City, South Africa, pp.25-42. OGNZL (2021) Waihi North Project – Project Description Report. May 2021. PSM (2022) Geotechnical Study Gladstone Open Pit. September 2021.