Supporting Technical Assessments

GHD | Oceana Gold (New Zealand) Limited | 12537997 | Gladstone Pit TSF 44 7. TSF operation and ongoing maintenance and surveillance 7.1 General The following sub-section describe the operational requirements for GOP TSF in general accordance with NZSOLD Dam Safety Guidelines and ANCOLD Guidelines on Tailings Dams. Given that there are no credible breach mechanisms the operation protocol has been based on the lowest PIC (or consequence category) according to each relevant guideline. 7.2 Operation and maintenance requirements An Operation, Maintenance and Surveillance (OMS) Manual should be prepared for GOP TSF (either a new OMS Manual or incorporating into the existing TSF OMS Manual) prior to commissioning. The OMS Manual should cover the following specific to GOP TSF: – Organisational roles and responsibilities – Design intent – Expected behaviour of the tailings – Tailings management plan and strategy – Trigger action response plan – Daily operations and inspections – Water management procedures – Operational requirements for mechanical and electrical works, including pumps – Surveillance regime – Maintenance and reporting requirements – Operator training requirements The OMS Manual should be updated at a minimum of every two years. 7.3 Surveillance requirements The minimum surveillance frequencies for a Low PIC dam (per NZSOLD) are recommended for the GOP TSF. These are summarised in Table 9. While formal routine inspections are noted to occur on a monthly basis, given the dynamic nature of a TSF and rapid rise rate in GOP TSF, ad-hoc visual inspections by trained operators are an essential part of the TSF surveillance regime. These impromptu inspections may not be formally documented but are anticipated to occur much more frequently than monthly during operation (e.g., daily to weekly). Table 9 Recommended surveillance frequencies for GOP TSF Inspection type Frequency Routine Monthly Intermediate On first filling then two yearly Comprehensive - Special (e.g., earthquake) As required