Supporting Technical Assessments

GHD | Oceana Gold (New Zealand) Limited | 12537997 | Gladstone Pit TSF 43 6. Construction GHD understands that OGNZL intend to complete the work through an independent Contractor supervised by OGNZL. The Contractor would complete the works in accordance with the design drawings and technical specification prepared by the Designer. The liner works are highly technical and should be completed by a lining contractor with relevant experience in projects of similar size. On site construction should be by overseen by an experienced representative of the Contractor and Designer. The Contractor should prepare a Project Quality Plan (PQP). The PQP would set out specifically the requirements and obligations of the Contractor to ensure the GOP TSF is constructed in accordance with the design and technical specification. As a minimum, the PQP shall include: – A project organisation chart, including nominated project personnel showing their positions, lines of communication and details of the responsibilities of the positions. – Details of the qualifications and experience of nominated project personnel. – A lot plan and the methods by which lots (i.e., construction areas) will be identified. – Inspection and test plans for the various phases during construction and commissioning. – Method statement for the key components of work. – Application of the Contractor’s Quality System to the project. As-constructed records from the GOP TSF construction will be the responsibility of OGNZL. The as-constructed records shall include: – An as-built survey – Final earthworks quantities, including breakdown by rockfill type (e.g., NAF/PAF) – Photographic records – A set of as-constructed drawings – All conformance and non-conformance reports – All test results, analyses, reports, measurements and observations – All inspection and test plans and associated checklists The Designer should be closely involved in the construction. The Designer should have ongoing interaction with the Contractor’s representative to ensure the design intent is achieved and that any potential deviations from the design or changes in site conditions are communicated to and acted upon by the Designer. The construction program should include milestone hold points by the Designer, with the milestone schedule to be determined during detailed design.