Supporting Technical Assessments

June 2022 G-14642.71-006-R-Rev0_FINAL 34 approximately 100 to 120 m asl, then under the steep hilly terrain west of the Ohinemuri River valley, ranging between 300 and 500 m above the terraces. 8.3.3 Information provided by OceanaGold OGNZL provided WSP with all the currently available subsurface geological data within the area of the proposed tunnel alignments. This included core logs, core photos, drilling information, imagery of the borehole locations and land parcel boundaries that the proposed tunnel alignment options will encounter (refer Figure 20). Figure 20: OGNZL supplied borehole locations. The red lines show the proposed tunnel alignment options; yellow lines indicate residential land parcels and green lines indicate land parcels owned by OGNZL. OGNZL has undertaken airborne geophysical investigations of the area of the proposed WUG access tunnel using aeromagnetic techniques. The aeromagnetic information has been interpreted by OGNZL geologists to identify areas of hydrothermal alteration. A significant lineament in the aeromagnetic model has been inferred to indicate the presence of a fault of at least several kilometres length trending close to the proposed tunnel alignment.