Supporting Technical Assessments

June 2022 G-14642.71-006-R-Rev0_FINAL 32 8.2 Alignment Options OGNZL provided WSP with several potential tunnel alignment options for the Waihi Access Tunnel within the corridor shown in Figure 18. The total length of the Waihi Access Tunnel is about 5 km. The options have been chosen to take into consideration planned MUG Portal development, Favona capital development, utilise existing surface air shafts and pass beneath OGNZL land as far as possible to avoid a number of residential properties. WSP has evaluated the geological and geotechnical conditions of tunnel alignment within the corridor with a focus on Option 2 and Option 4, which represent the proposed western-most and eastern-most alignments respectively. Note that the corridor presented in Figure 18 includes a 50 m buffer outside the tunnel alignments. Figure 18: Proposed tunnel alignment corridor between Waihi and Willows Connection (supplied by OGNZL).