Supporting Technical Assessments

June 2022 G-14642.71-006-R-Rev0_FINAL 27 Table 8: Summary of geological conditions encountered in WNDD011. Drillhole interval (m) Geological description Geotechnical characteristics Comments 0 – 26.2 Holocene soils and residual volcanic soils Clay, silt, peat and gravel soils Combination of residual weathered andesite, colluvium and alluvium 26.2 – 32.0 Porphyritic ANDESITE Highly weathered, weak – very weak rock Waipupu Formation 32.0 – 706.8 Porphyritic ANDESITE Strong, slightly weathered rock and weak or moderately strong altered rock, weak breccia from 406 m to 420 m, fault zone at 661 m to 665 m, Waipupu Formation WKP-P05D was drilled vertically, fully cored, to a depth of 400 m from Drill Site 6 on the eastern side of the Wharekirauponga ore body (refer to Figure 16 for location). This depth approximately equates to the maximum depth of mining activity. The twin access tunnel depth at this location will be approximately 200 m below surface. WKP-P05D presented an opportunity to investigate the footwall side of the ore body and characterise the ground conditions in the vicinity of the various mine development elements in that location, including the western end of the twin tunnels. General ground conditions are described in Table 9.