Supporting Technical Assessments

June 2022 G-14642.71-006-R-Rev0_FINAL 20 Poles to joint measurements Poles to faults, shears and crush zones Figure 12: Wellcad interpretation of discontinuities from WNDD007 between depths 32.79 m and 204.58 m (n=206). Typical discontinuity spacing in WNDD007 is in the range of 0.1 m to 5.0 m. Faults and shear zones up to 2 m in thickness are also indicated by the geophysical data. Discontinuities appear to be concentrated in the more competent porphyritic andesite layers of the log. 6.3.3 Groundwater GHD conducted packer tests and falling head tests within WNDD007 and installed vibrating wire (VW) piezometers at three elevations. Permeability test results are presented in Table 5 and piezometer data is presented in Table 6. Table 5: Hydraulic conductivity test results for Shaft #1 (WNDD007) (after GWS 2020). Test Test Zone (m BGL) Hydraulic conductivity (m/s) Falling head tests Test 1 6.3 12.2 6.7 x 10-7 Test 2 15.3 16.8 4.0 x 10-6 Test 3 15.3 21.3 7.3 x 10-7 Test 4 104.0 117.0 8.3 x 10-7 Test 5 197.3 204.3 3.3 x 10-7 Packer tests Packer 1 34.5 37.9 1.5 x 10-8