Supporting Technical Assessments

June 2022 G-14642.71-006-R-Rev0_FINAL 3 2.0 RELIANCE ON OTHER EXPERTS WSP reviewed available information about the site geology and geomorphology including logs and core photographs and aerial imagery provided by OGNZL. Geological mapping and an assessment of regional geology has been completed by OGNZL exploration geologists and is presented in OGC (2020). GHD has undertaken an assessment of water management and geochemistry (GHD 2022). Groundwater effects have been evaluated by GWS Limited (GWS 2020). Description of the underground mine design and available geotechnical information has been undertaken by OGNZL (presented in Appendix D) and SRK (2019) and used by WSP to evaluate the appropriateness of the current mine design. 3.0 PROPERTY DESCRIPTION AND LOCATION The Wharekirauponga (WUG) resource is located approximately 10 km north of the township of Waihi. The resource and parts of the proposed tunnels lie beneath DoC administered land within the WUG Minerals Mining Permit (60541) area (OGC, 2020). The various project elements described in this report are illustrated in Figure 1.