Supporting Technical Assessments

June 2022 G-01483.84-017-R-Rev0 Because the 17 Sample Reference Depth (m bgl) Description Peak Shear Strength (kPa) Remoulded Shear Strength (kPa) Soil Sensitivity WFTP037 0.6 SILT 63 14 4.5 WFTP037 1.2 Silty CLAY Unable to Penetrate Unable to Penetrate WFTP038 0.3 Sandy SILT 101 20 5.0 The peak shear strength for the samples ranges from 22 KPa to 215 KPa, with remoulded shear strengths from 8 to 63 KPa. The soil sensitivity, defined as the ratio of peak shear strength and residual strength, ranges from 2.1 to 5.5. These results would place the soils within the “medium sensitive” to “sensitive” categories as defined by Skempton and Northey (1952). 5.1.3 Unconfined Compressive Strength Testing Unconfined compressive strength testing was undertaken to determine the strength of the material that will be encountered in the vertical shaft (WNDD007) and the access tunnel (WNDD008). A summary of the results is presented in Table 5 below. Table 5: Results of unconfined compressive strength (UCS) testing of rock from two drill holes at Willows Road farm. Sample Refence Depth (m) Description Bulk Density (t/m3) Dry Density (t/m3) Water Content (%) UCS (MPa) WNDD007-CS1 144.03 – 144.20 Light bluish grey, moderately strong, ANDESITE 2.59 2.5 2.7 49 WNDD007-CS2 161.08 – 161.25 Light bluish grey, weak, ANDESITE 2.45 2.3 7.3 15 WNDD007-CS3 170.10 – 170.27 Light bluish grey, weak, ANDESITE 2.43 2.25 8.1 11 WNDD007-CS4 180.13 – 180.30 Light bluish grey, weak, ANDESITE 2.48 2.35 5.8 19 WNDD007-CS5 196.33 – 196.50 Light bluish grey, weak, ANDESITE 2.5 2.35 5.9 16 WNDD007-CS6 201.50 – 205.67 Light bluish grey, moderately strong, ANDESITE 2.51 2.4 5.8 25 WNDD007-CS7 210.13 – 210.30 Light bluish grey, weak, ANDESITE 2.46 2.3 6.7 11 WNDD007-CS8 214.83 – 215.00 Light bluish grey, weak, ANDESITE 2.56 2.45 4.4 28