Supporting Technical Assessments

June 2022 G-01483.84-017-R-Rev0 Because the 16 Sample Reference Depth (m bgl) Description Peak Shear Strength (kPa) Remoulded Shear Strength (kPa) Soil Sensitivity WFTP023 1.2 Sandy SILT 116 36 3.2 WFTP024 0.5 Sandy SILT 132 36 3.7 WFTP025 0.5 Sandy SILT 50 17 2.9 WFTP025 1.2 Silty CLAY 69 23 3.0 WFTP026 0.5 Sandy SILT 66 17 3.9 WFTP027 0.7 Sandy SILT 86 26 3.3 WFTP027 1.2 Sandy SILT 182 63 2.9 WFTP028 0.6 Sandy SILT 53 20 2.7 WFTP028 1.2 Sandy SILT 185 50 3.7 WFTP029 0.8 Sandy SILT 86 35 2.5 WFTP029 1.2 Sandy SILT 132 63 2.1 WFTP030 0.6 Sandy SILT 66 17 3.9 WFTP030 1.3 Clayey SILT 215 58 3.7 WFTP031 0.5 Sandy SILT 46 20 2.3 WFTP031 1.3 SILT 91 46 2.0 WFTP032 0.6 Sandy SILT 33 13 2.5 WFTP032 1.2 Sandy SILT 63 20 3.1 WFTP032 1.5 SILT 144 33 4.4 WFTP033 0.6 Silty GRAVEL 117 42 2.8 WFTP034 0.6 SILT 77 14 5.5 WFTP034 1.2 Silty CLAY 104 40 2.6 WFTP035 0.4 Sandy SILT 85 42 2.0 WFTP035 1.0 CLAY Unable to Penetrate Unable to Penetrate WFTP036 0.3 Sandy SILT 87 18 4.8 WFTP036 1.1 Silty CLAY 186 34 5.5