June 2022 G-01483.84-017-R-Rev0 Because the 15 Allophane content Allophane describes a range of minerals associated with volcanic ash-derived soils. The allophane content was assessed in a single sample within the WNDD007 drillhole, described in Table 3 below. Table 3: Results of allophane content test of sample from WNDD007. Sample Reference Depth (m bgl) Description Allophane content WNDD007 4.0 – 4.3 Sandy SILT, some clay 5 % to 7 % 5.1.2 Shear Vane Testing Shear vane testing was undertaken within the test pits and results are presented in the test pit logs provided by GHD (WFT015-038). A summary of the results is presented in Table 4 below. The peak value provides a measure of shear strength for the undisturbed material, and the remoulded value provides a measure of the residual shear strength of the material. Table 4: Results of shear vane testing of soils exposed in test pits at Willows Road Farm. Sample Reference Depth (m bgl) Description Peak Shear Strength (kPa) Remoulded Shear Strength (kPa) Soil Sensitivity WFTP015 0.45 Sandy SILT 45 17 2.6 WFTP015 1 Sandy SILT 132 50 2.6 WFTP016 0.4 Sandy SILT 40 17 2.4 WFTP016 1 Clayey SILT 41 17 2.4 WFTP017 0.4 Sandy SILT 22 8 2.8 WFTP017 0.7 Sandy SILT 83 26 3.2 WFTP018 0.5 Gravelly SILT Unable to Penetrate Unable to Penetrate WFTP020 0.5 Sandy SILT 73 30 2.4 WFTP020 1.2 Sandy SILT 124 50 2.5 WFTP021 0.6 Sandy SILT 132 40 3.3 WFTP022 0.5 Sandy SILT 30 10 3.0 WFTP022 1.1 Sandy SILT 149 40 3.7 WFTP023 0.5 Sandy SILT 132 30 4.4