Supporting Technical Assessments

WaihiFaul t Waitete Black Hill Waihi Pukehui Saddle Golden Cross Whakamoehau Pukehuru COROMANDEL RANGE Golden Valley Te Keho ThompsonStream H omung a Stream Waitekauri Ri ver WaiharakekeSt ream WalmsleyStr eam Ohine mur iRi ver Wait eteStream Walmsley St ream Ruaho rehore St ream WhiritoaSt ream Ohinemuri River MataoraSt r eam Cas cadeStream W a iteka ur i River Whaka moehau Stre am MatauraStream Ma ngatoetoeStream Edmonds Stream Ra tarua Stream Mang ak ara Stre am RamaramaStream Waiharakeke Str eam Right Bra nch Jun c tionStream Stony Stream Ba rneysStream TeawaotemutuStream CLIENT OCEANA GOLD (NEW ZEALAND) LIMITED LEGEND Design linework - SFA and WRS Proposed Tunnel Centreline Lineaments Rivers and streams Inactive Faults Accurate fault Approximate fault Concealed fault Waihi Fault (inactive) NZL GNS 1:250K geological units Tauranga Group: Holocene river deposits Q1.fangvl Q1.lndbrc Waiwawa Andesite and Dacite Subgroup of the Coromandel Group: Neogene igneous rocks and volcaniclastic sediments lMi.and2 lMi.ign Minden Rhyolite Subgroup of the Whitianga Group: Neogene igneous rocks and volcaniclastic sediments Kaimai Andesite and Dacite Subgroup of the Coromandel Group: Neogene igneous rocks and volcaniclastic sediments Ohinemuri Subgroup of the Whitianga Group: Neogene Welded pumice-rich ignimbrite Matua Subgroup: Early to Middle Pleistocene river deposits NOTES COPYRIGHT 1. Aerial image: LINZ and Eagle Technology, CC-BY-3.0-NZ. 2. Map image: © OpenStreetMap (and) contributors, CC-BY-SA 3. Schematic only, not to be interpreted as an engineering design or construction drawing. Information contained in this drawing is the copyright of Golder Associates (NZ) Ltd. Unauthorised use or reproduction of this plan either wholly or in part without written permission infringes copyright. © Golder Associates (NZ) Ltd. PROJECT WAIHI NORTH PROJECT - GEOTECHNICAL ASSESSMENT TITLE GEOLOGY 20148384 017 0 03 2022-03-01 ZJ SBC TM Path: K:\GIS\Projects-Dynamics\2020\20148384_OGL_Waihi\MapDocuments\R017\01March2022\20148384-017-R-F003-Rev0_A3L_GIS.mxd IF THIS MEASUREMENT DOES NOT MATCH WHAT IS SHOWN, THE SHEET SIZE HAS BEEN MODIFIED FROM: A3 CONSULTANT PROJECT NO. REPORT REV. FIGURE YYYY-MM-DD PREPARED REVIEW APPROVED 25mm 0 0 1,000 2,000 Meters REFERENCE SCALE: 1:40,000 (at A3)