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GHD | Oceana Gold (New Zealand) Limited | 12537997 | Gladstone Pit TSF 17 3. Basis of design 3.1 Pit overview Figure 9 shows an overview of the GOP. Figure 9 GOP footprint 3.2 Summary of design basis The following summarises the basis of design for the GOP TSF. Table 3 Summary of basis of design Criteria description Criteria requirements Basis General Final tailings level RL 1103 m GHD proposed Final tailings storage 2.1 Mt (based on density of 1.1 t/m3) GHD calculated Staged construction Stage 1 tailings to RL 1080 m and Stage 2 tailings to RL 1103 m. GHD proposed Timing Stage 1: construction completed in Year 10, Q3 Stage 2: construction completed in Year 12, Q1 OGNZL schedule agreed in email dated 17th June 2021. Potential impact classification (NZSOLD) Low (refer Section 3.3) GHD proposed Tailings Production and Geotechnical Properties Tailings deposited into GOP Year 7 (Q4 only) – 64,268 t Year 8 – 257,071 t Year 9 – 394,267 t OGNZL schedule agreed in email dated 17th June 2021.