Supporting Technical Assessments

Part H – Technical Assessments 5 Report # Author Topic Title Reference within AEE 30 Bioresearches Terrestrial Ecology Terrestrial Ecology Mitigation, Restoration and Offset Plan for Waihi North project (Waihi Area) Bioresearches (2022a) 31 Boffa Miskell Terrestrial Ecology (WUG) Waihi North Project - Terrestrial Ecology Values and Effects of the WUG Boffa Miskell (2022b) 32 RMA Ecology Limited Frogs Memorandum: OGNZL Wharekirauponga frogs: Potential adverse ecological effects RMA Ecology (2022) 33 Bioresearches Frogs Memorandum: Vibration effects on amphibians (Leiopelmatid frogs) Bioresearches (2022b) 34 Boffa Miskell Frogs Pest Animal Management Plan – Wharekirauponga Compensation Package Boffa Miskell (2022c) 35 Lloyds Ecological Consulting Frogs Estimating the Proportion of the Coromandel’s Archey’s Frog Population in the Area Affected by Vibrations from the Proposed Wharekirauponga Mine Lloyd (2022) 36 Boffa Miskell Aquatic Ecology Waihi North Project – Freshwater Ecological Assessment Boffa Miskell (2022a) Historic Heritage, Amenity, Social Impact and Climate Change 37 Clough & Assoc Historic Heritage Waihi North Project - Assessment of Heritage and Archaeological Effects Clough (2022) 38 Stantec Transportation Waihi North Project - Transportation Assessment Stantec (2022)