Supporting Technical Assessments

GHD | Oceana Gold (New Zealand) Limited | 12537997 | Gladstone Pit TSF iii Table 9 Recommended surveillance frequencies for GOP TSF 44 Figure index Figure 1 Major faults and veins near the GOP (PSM 2021) 7 Figure 2 Geological setting of the GOP (PSM 2021) 8 Figure 3 Landslides and other surficial features at the GOP (EGL 2021) 9 Figure 4 Particle size distribution range for Waihi tailings 10 Figure 5 Saturated conductivity versus effective stresses 11 Figure 6 Gladstone site setting and monitoring locations 14 Figure 7 Development of the Gladstone Hill wetland with time 15 Figure 8 Geochemical properties of the GOP waste rock 16 Figure 9 GOP footprint 17 Figure 10 Hydraulic conductivity versus void ratio for Waihi tailings (provided by EGL) 20 Figure 11 Void ratio versus effective stress for Waihi tailings (provided by EGL) 20 Figure 12 Typical section of GOP TSF showing the backfill surface 24 Figure 13 Isometric view of GOP TSF backfill surface 24 Figure 14 Liner installation sequence 26 Figure 15 Total backfill quantity versus elevation for the GOP TSF 26 Figure 16 Total liner area versus elevation for the GOP TSF 27 Figure 17 GOP TSF storage curve 28 Figure 18 Proposed constructions schedule 29 Figure 19 Proposed light vehicle access road down the backfill face 31 Figure 20 Proposed closure plan 33 Figure 21 Pit crest stability section (shown in red) 36 Figure 22 Global stability results for backfill surface 37 Figure 23 Stability of western pit rim 38 Figure 24 Post deposition settlement versus time 39 Figure 25 Final dry density profile 39 Figure 26 Sensitivity analysis showing post deposition settlement versus time for different filling rates 40 Figure 27 Estimated failure surface for wave run-up calculations 41 Figure 28 Failure scenarios considered 41 Appendices Appendix A GOP TSF Drawings