Supporting Technical Assessments

GHD | Oceana Gold (New Zealand) Limited | 12537997 | Gladstone Pit TSF ii 4.8 Water management strategy 31 4.8.1 Decant 31 4.8.2 Over liner drainage 31 4.8.3 Under liner drainage 31 4.9 Closure plan 32 5. Design analysis 34 5.1 Groundwater 34 5.1.1 Overview 34 5.1.2 Summary 34 5.2 Surface water 35 5.2.1 Water balance 35 5.2.2 Surface water diversion drains 35 5.3 Stability 35 5.3.1 Analysis overview 35 5.3.2 Material parameters 36 5.3.3 Summary of results 36 Backfill 36 Pit crest 37 5.4 Tailings consolidation and settlement 38 5.4.1 Analysis overview 38 5.4.2 Summary of results 38 5.4.3 Sensitivity analysis 39 5.5 Freeboard 40 5.5.1 Wave run-up 40 Overview 40 Summary of results 41 5.5.2 Minimum freeboard 42 5.6 Dam breach assessment 42 6. Construction 43 7. TSF operation and ongoing maintenance and surveillance 44 7.1 General 44 7.2 Operation and maintenance requirements 44 7.3 Surveillance requirements 44 7.4 Emergency response and preparedness 45 8. Safety in design 46 9. Conclusions and recommendations 47 10. References 48 Table index Table 1 Tailings production rate for Waihi Operation 11 Table 2 Geotechnical parameters for the GOP recommended by PSM (2021) 12 Table 3 Summary of basis of design 17 Table 4 GOP TSF geometric arrangement 23 Table 5 GOP TSF bulk quantities 25 Table 6 Spillway channel design criteria 32 Table 7 Parameters adopted for the stability analysis 36 Table 8 Wave run-up estimates 42