Supporting Technical Assessments

This report shall only be read in its entirety. File: WAI-985-000-REP-LC-0002_Rev0.docx APPENDIX A OPTIONS ASSESSMENT- DETAILED SCORING FOR OPTIONS 1 TO 6 This appendix includes the results of the detailed scoring of Options 1 to 6. Details of the options are provided in Table 10 of the report. The options have been scored for four main categories (technical, environmental, socio-economic and project economics). Each category has been given equal weighting. Within each category there are several different subcategories, each with their own weighting. Descriptions of the subcategories and their weightings are provided in Table 5. The scoring criteria for the subcategories associated with each main category are provided in Tables 6 to 9. The scorings for Options 1 to 6 are provided in Tables A1 to A6. The project economic scoring is based on ranking each option for the subcategories of capital cost, operating cost and closure cost. The rankings and scoring for these subcategories are presented in Table A8.