Proposed Resource Consent Conditions

42 c. Having available, when required, the equipment and suitably qualified and experienced personnel to conduct appropriate monitoring, testing and grouting requirements or alternative mitigation measures; and d. Assembling and adhering to suitable Trigger Action Response Plans so that grouting or alternative methods of mitigation to control groundwater ingress occurrences are suitably adapted to address any deviations from expected conditions in a way and at a rate consistent with achieving the requirements of Condition 5. Based on that knowledge the Consent Holder will apply the grouting solution specified in the TARPs such that water ingress is suitably managed to achieve Condition 5. TARPs will provide an additional layer of security that this will occur and enable any unexpected response to be identified and addressed before it has the potential to impact on the surface. 8 a. Subject to Condition 8(b), at six monthly intervals during the construction of the Access Tunnels the Consent Holder shall provide to the Council and Expert Groundwater Management Panel a report (Six-Monthly Access Tunnel Report) which: i. Describes the location, depth and excavated volume (m3) of the tunnel; ii. Describes the total volume of water pumped to and from the tunnel; iii. Identifies the lengths of the development that, due to the encountered geotechnical and hydrogeological conditions, required grouting or alternative methods of mitigation to control the ingress of groundwater, and a description of the grouting or alternative mitigation that was undertaken; and iv. Includes analysis of the effectiveness of the grouting or alternative mitigation over the previous six-month period and any proposed amendments to how the Consent Holder will implement the requirements of Condition 7 to ensure compliance with Condition 5. b. At the request of the consent holder, the Consent Authority may agree in writing to a less frequent reporting obligation than specified in Condition 8(a). This condition requires regular communication with the Consent Authority and Expert Groundwater Management Panel on progress and the effectiveness of the management measures. Condition 31 compels the consent holder to implement the recommendations of the Expert Groundwater Management Panel. Mine Area Baseline Data Collection 9. No later than 3 months from the date this consent commences, the Consent Holder shall prepare and submit a Baseline Data Collection Plan to the Consent Authority for certification. The purpose of the Baseline Data Collection Plan is to describe the necessary baseline data to be collected to assist the preparation of the Groundwater Management Strategy required by Condition 14. The objectives of the Baseline Data Collection Plan shall be to: