Proposed Resource Consent Conditions

41 iii The Willows Farm Access Tunnel which connects the Willows Road Surface Facilities Area with the Wharekirauponga Access Tunnel. b. Mine Area means the area shown in the plan annexed as Attachment 1 to this consent. Compliance Limits – Natural State Waterbodies 5 The activities authorised by this consent must not cause any measurable changes in the natural flows or water quality in any surface water body identified as a Natural State Water Body in the Waikato Regional Plan at the date of issue of this consent, except for those changes caused by changes in the flow of the warm spring located at map reference E1850258, N5868719. This is the bottom line compliance limit the activities must be managed to achieve. It reflects the policy framework which applies to these waterbodies in the Waikato Regional Plan. The subsequent conditions set out how this compliance limit will be achieved at all times. They require any unexpected effects to be managed so that any noncompliance with this condition is avoided. Achieving this outcome also avoids any dewatering of the soil Regolith rooting zone which could have an adverse effect on vegetation or the habitat or indigenous fauna. Access Tunnels Groundwater Management 6 The consent holder may commence the establishment of the Access Tunnels from the date on which this consent commences. 7 The Consent Holder must control groundwater ingress into the Access Tunnels in a manner which will ensure compliance with Condition 5 by, as a minimum: a. Conducting a minimum of one diamond core drilled hole sufficiently in advance of the tunnel face to assess geotechnical and hydrogeological conditions and evaluate where and what type of grouting or alternative mitigation measures will be required to manage groundwater inflows; b. Conducting additional probe hole drilling ahead of the Access Tunnel development face to confirm that groundwater ingress conditions remain generally in accordance with the predictive riskbased assessment annexed as Attachment 2 to this consent; There is good knowledge of the hydrogeology of the area through which the Access Tunnels will pass now. This, combined with a requirement to forward drill and conduct hydraulic testing ahead of the development face means by the time the tunnel reaches a location the consent holder will have a high level of knowledge of the permeability of the area.