Proposed Resource Consent Conditions

34 25 The Consent Holder must implement the certified Air Quality Management Plan. However, in the event of any inconsistency between the conditions of this consent and the Air Quality Management Plan the conditions of this consent shall prevail. 26 The Consent Holder shall ensure that a copy of the certified Air Quality Management Plan, including any confirmed amendments, is kept onsite and this copy is updated within 5 working days of any amendments being certified by the Waikato Regional Council under Condition 20. Monitoring 27 The Consent Holder shall, as a minimum, undertake monitoring in accordance with the methodology defined in the certified Air Quality Management Plan. 28 The Consent Holder shall provide to the Waikato Regional Council a written annual report each year that addresses at least the following: a. A summary of the results of the monitoring required by this consent; b. Any environmentally important trends arising from the monitoring programme; c. Compliance with all conditions; d. Any reasons for non-compliance or difficulties in achieving compliance with the conditions of this resource consent; and e. Any works that have been undertaken to improve environmental performance or that are proposed to be undertaken in the upcoming year to improve environmental performance in relation to the activities included in this consent. The report shall be forwarded in a format acceptable to the Waikato Regional Council. Complaints 29 If any complaints are received by the Consent Holder regarding dust, odour or other contaminants that could reasonably be attributed to the Consent Holder’s activities under these consents the Consent Holder shall notify the Waikato Regional Council of those complaints as soon as practicable. When/if complaints are received, the Consent Holder shall record the following details in a complaint log: a. type and time of complaint; b. name and address of complainant (if available); c. location from which the complaint arose; d. wind direction at the time of complaint;