Proposed Resource Consent Conditions

33 Consent Holder shall submit an Air Quality Management Plan to the Waikato Regional Council for certification. 21 The purpose of the Air Quality Management Plan is to provide detail on how the conditions of this consent will be complied with. 22 The Air Quality Management Plan shall, as a minimum, specifically include the following; a. A description of the air quality control objectives; b. Details of the site operation and maintenance practices to be implemented to meet these objectives and the conditions of this consent, and to ensure that emissions from mining operations, particularly from stockpiles, unsealed roadways, the processing plant, rock stacks and tailings storage facilities are minimised; c. An ambient air monitoring programme for deposited particulate matter, total suspended particulate (TSP), particulate matter smaller than ten microns (PM10) and particle size distribution studies (including silica content); d. Monitoring of windspeed, and TSP within 200m of sensitive receptors, and associated use of trigger levels to be used to trigger additional dust control measures, or if necessary, the cessation of work, to ensure Condition 4 is achieved; e. A process for investigating any exceedance of the trigger levels, reporting on the reason for the exceedance, and identifying and implementing corrective actions to prevent a repeat occurrence, where possible; f. Procedures for the use of wheel washes for soiled vehicles to prevent dust tracking off-site; g. Procedures for revegetation of batters at the mine site, Tailings Storage Facility embankments, stockpiles and other bare surface areas as appropriate; h. Details of the site operation and maintenance practices to be implemented, particularly in relation to the stockpiles, haul roads, and access roads, to keep dust emissions to a minimum. 23 Construction works in any Area described in Condition G3 must not commence until the Air Quality Management Plan required by Conditions 20 – 22 for that Area has been certified by the Waikato Regional Council. 24 The Consent Holder may submit an updated Air Quality Management Plan to the Waikato Regional Council at any time for certification in accordance with Condition 20.