Proposed Resource Consent Conditions

17 Condition Explanation The Consent Holder shall not take active steps for the sale of any of the land required for revegetation planting specified in Condition G34 until an appropriate covenant and/or encumbrance (or similar legal mechanism) is registered against each relevant title. Instream Work Aquatic Ecology Management Plan G41 At least 30 working days prior to the commencement of activities under this consent the Consent Holder shall submit an Instream Work Aquatic Ecology Management Plan (IWAEMP) to the Waikato Regional Council for certification that: a. It includes actions, methods, trigger levels and monitoring programmes designed to achieve the objectives in Condition G42 below; and b. As a minimum, it meets the information requirements in, and gives effect to, the matters set out in Conditions G42 – G44. G42 The objective of the IWAEMP is to identify how the potential adverse effects of instream works on aquatic ecology values will be avoided, remedied, mitigated or offset, including on: a. vegetation and habitats (including wetlands); b. fish and koura; and c. streams. G43 The IWAEMP shall include: a. A summary of the aquatic ecological values within water bodies affected by the project and the potential effects of the project on these values; b. Details of the approach to be taken to management of adverse effects on aquatic ecology values within the affected water bodies including in riparian zones: c. Maps showing: i. The location and extent of streams to be diverted and artificial watercourses to the created; and ii. The location and extent of stream reaches and artificial watercourses proposed for restoration works; d. The access rights necessary to carry out the riparian planting, and to carry out the required pest plant management, where these activities are to occur on land that is not owned by the Consent Holder;