Proposed Resource Consent Conditions

8 Condition Explanation G28 The Consent Holder must implement the certified SSESCP for each Area. However, in the event of any inconsistency between the conditions of this consent and the SSESCP the conditions of this consent shall prevail. Monitoring and Reporting G29 The Consent Holder shall ensure that all erosion and sediment control structures are inspected to identify any maintenance requirements: a. on a weekly basis; and b. within the 24 hours before any forecast rainfall event of 25 mm over 24 hours; and c. as soon as is practicable following any rainfall event of rainfall event of 25 mm over 24 hours. G30 The Consent Holder shall maintain records detailing: a. The date, time and results of the inspection undertaken in accordance with Condition G29; and b. The erosion and sediment controls that required maintenance; and c. The date and time when the maintenance was completed. These records shall be provided to the Waikato Regional Council within 72 hours of a written request to do so. G31 During or immediately after any rainfall event of 25 mm over 24 hours (subject to health and safety restrictions) inspections shall be made of all sediment retention ponds and decanting earth bunds installed in accordance with a certified SSESCP. During these inspections all of the following shall occur at each sediment control device: a. A general inspection of its operation and integrity; b. Manual testing of turbidity and pH of the inlet and outlet flows; and c. Measurement of clarity of the water within the device adjacent to the decant outlet using either a clarity tube or black disc indicator. Removal of Erosion and Sediment Control Measures G32 Erosion and sediment control measures must only be removed: a. when the corresponding catchment area has been permanently stabilised; or b. in accordance with a certified SSESCP.