Proposed Resource Consent Conditions

5 Condition Explanation G11 The Consent Holder shall ensure that all sediment laden run-off from an area containing soil disturbance activities is treated by sediment retention structures prior to discharge. These structures are to be fully operational before bulk earthworks in the Area commence. G12 Sediment retention devices must be designed and operated to achieve the following performance targets: a. Greater than 90% efficiency across a rainfall trigger event; b. Discharge turbidity from the retention device of no greater than 110 NTU; and c. Discharge pH from the retention device of not less than 6.0 and not greater than 9.0 pH units. Where these performance targets are not achieved response actions must be implemented so those performance targets are achieved. G13 For any sediment retention pond or decanting earth bund in which flocculants are used the soluble aluminium concentration of any discharge to surface water shall not exceed 0.2 grams per cubic metre. This shall be monitored on a monthly basis. G14 The works authorised by this consent shall not cause flooding on adjacent land. G15 All earthmoving machinery, and ancillary equipment shall be operated in a manner, which ensures spillages of fuel, oil and similar contaminants are prevented to the greatest extent practicable, particularly during refuelling and machinery servicing and maintenance. Refuelling and lubrication activities shall be carried out away from any water body, ephemeral water body, or overland flow path, such that any spillage can be contained so that it does not enter surface water. G16 The Consent Holder shall ensure that all machinery used in the exercise of this consent is cleaned prior to being transported to the site to ensure that all seed and/or plant matter has been removed and documented in accordance with the document titled ‘KEEP IT CLEAN - Machinery hygiene guidelines and logbook to prevent the spread of pests and weeds (June 2013)’. G17 All disturbed or cut vegetation, soil or debris shall be deposited or placed in a position where it will not enter any water body or cause diversion, damming or erosion of any waterway. Chemical Treatment Plan