Proposed Resource Consent Conditions

Table 1: Offset Planting Attributes to be achieved at Revegetation Offset Planting Areas (three 20 m x 20 m plots) Biodiversity attribute Required biodiversity value by 20 years Contingency if not met at 20 years Rationale for Contingency Indigenous Canopy height (m) 6m Tree height to be measured using Range Finder (or similar). Height to be measured at each vegetation monitoring plot within the offset planting area. Continue pest control for at least an additional 5 years, and until tree canopy height of 6 m achieved Like for like not possible (pest control for canopy tree height). Tree height cannot be controlled. However, tree canopy height is a measure of ecosystem and habitat value (taller forest trees can be representative of more mature forest). Therefore, an additional 5 years of pest control is considered appropriate to ensure that other ecosystem integrity and habitat-value parameters are provided for as the offset matures. Relevant additional benefits of pest control that may assist an establishing ecosystem include management of pest browse pressure, regenerating seedlings and avifauna Indigenous Canopy cover (%) 85% Canopy closure expected as standard with 5 years of maintenance. Expected canopy to consist of primarily pioneer species Continue Pest control for at least an additional 5 years, and until canopy closure is achieved Like for like not possible (pest control for canopy cover) Indigenous canopy cover cannot be controlled (other than achieving required plant spacing at time of planting, and timely replacement of failing plants). However, canopy closure is a measure of ecosystem and habitat value (forest ecosystems with closed canopies have higher integrity, including lower susceptibility to weed reinvasion). Therefore, an additional 5 years of pest control is considered appropriate to ensure that other ecosystem integrity and habitat-value parameters are provided for as the offset matures. Relevant additional benefits of pest control that may assist an establishing ecosystem include management of pest browse pressure, regenerating seedlings and avifauna Indigenous canopy species richness (count) 8 species Expected with maintenance of planted species. Continue Pest control for at least an additional 5 years, and until canopy diversity is achieved Like for like not possible (pest control for canopy richness) Indigenous canopy species richness cannot be controlled (other than achieving required diversity at time of planting, and timely replacement of failing plants). However, canopy diversity is a measure of ecosystem and habitat value (forest ecosystems with diverse canopies provide diverse fauna habitats). Therefore, an additional 5 years of pest control is considered appropriate to ensure that other ecosystem integrity and habitat-value parameters are provided for as the offset matures. Relevant additional benefits of pest control that may assist an establishing ecosystem include management of pest browse pressure, regenerating seedlings and avifauna Indigenous understorey species richness (count) 20 species Expected with maintenance of planted species. Plant additional understory species to meet required diversity, continue monitoring for additional 5 years until 100% success rate of additionally planted species achieved. Like for like Diversity of native avifauna (count) 12 species (increase 2 spp) Bellbird and kereru have been recorded in the surrounding landscape but not from SNA 166. These species would be expected within 20 years. Continue Pest control for additional 5 years and until minimum 12 native bird species are recorded from 5 MBC stations within offset. Like for like Pest predator control is an important driver of avifauna diversity