Proposed Resource Consent Conditions

4 Boffa Miskell Ltd | Waihi North Project | Wharekirauponga Fencing Plan | 23 June 2022 up and over the top of the fence. The bottom of the fence will be buried to prevent animals from burrowing underneath. 3.4 Fencing maintenance The following maintenance requirements apply to long-term wildlife fences: • Fencing to be inspected quarterly by OGNZL staff and after significant storm events where tree fall is expected to have occurred and the fence may have been breached. • If the integrity of the fence is not maintained, then the fence will be repaired, and the site resurveyed for 3 nights in suitable conditions. If wildlife are recorded within the fenced area, they will be carefully captured and released outside of the fence in suitable habitat. • On inspection, ensure that the fencing has no rips or tears and replace any damaged areas ensuring no gaps. • Check that the base of the fence is buried. • Regularly trim any vegetation overhanging the fencing. 3.5 Maintenance records Corrective actions, dates, and repairs to be recorded into the fencing diary, stored at OGNZL’s A record of fence maintenance must be kept at OGNZL’s Moresby Avenue Office. The record must include corrective actions, dates, and repairs. 3.6 Decommissioning fencing All fencing equipment will be decommissioned, and materials removed. Care should be taken to keep fence construction materials within the site perimeter to minimise disturbance to surrounding habitat. 4.0 Responsibilities and Accountabilities Responsibilities for implementing this plan are provided in the table below. Role Responsibility Exploration technicians Inspections and maintenance of frog fences Approved ecologist Annual inspections, resurvey if fence is breached All OGNZL staff and contractors Notification to exploration technicians if fences are identified as damaged