Proposed Resource Consent Conditions

Boffa Miskell Ltd | Waihi North Project | Wharekirauponga Fencing Plan | 23 June 2022 3 2.6 Decommissioning fencing All fencing equipment will be removed and flown out. Care should be taken to keep fence construction materials within the site perimeter to minimise disturbance to neighbouring habitat. 3.0 Long-term Wildlife Exclusion Fencing 3.1 Determining a vent raise site to fence Long-term wildlife exclusion fencing is required around vent raise sites. Sites will be fenced once all surface construction activities have been completed to the satisfaction of approved ecologist and in compliance with the WNP land use consent conditions. Upon identifying a site that is to be used for locating a vent raise (subject to DOC approval and HDC consents), a long-term wildlife exclusion fence shall be constructed to replace the temporary fencing described in Section 2.0. The fence shall be constructed in the manner prescribed below, giving at least 6m clearance to any native frog locations identified in the survey and ensuring there is no overhanging vegetation. Fencing should be consistent with Specification AMX48 (Appendix 1). The long-term wildlife exclusion fence must be installed on the same day the temporary fence is removed to prevent wildlife moving into the site. 3.2 Fencing materials Construction of a temporary fence requires the following materials: • Fence posts • Animex fencing: non-perforated scored plastic long enough to fence the complete site • Animex washers • UV resistant zip ties / fencing wire • 12 gauge straining wire, braces and wire strainers • Fence post safety caps Ensure all material is new and free of dirt to comply with the Kauri Dieback Management Plan. All rubbish is to be flown out for disposal. 3.3 Building the fence Long-term wildlife exclusion fences should be built following the instructions in Specification AMX48 (Appendix 1). The fence should be dug into the ground with the lip of the fence facing out of the site. Ensure trench is backfilled completely to avoid animals burrowing underneath. The fence will exclude frogs and other wildlife from the vent raise area by using anti-climb materials, and having a lip facing outwards (towards the forest) that prevents animals climbing