Proposed Resource Consent Conditions

2 Boffa Miskell Ltd | Waihi North Project | Wharekirauponga Fencing Plan | 23 June 2022 2.3 Building the fence 1. Place the polythene around the site perimeter 2. Install stakes approximately 10m apart and 1m high inside the polythene 3. Ensure there is a 1m high polythene fence and at least 30 cm skirt on the ground facing the outwards from the site 4. Pin the skirt down firmly to the ground to ensure animals cannot burrow underneath. The fence will exclude frogs and other wildlife from the drill site / construction site by using sheer plastic that is difficult to grip. The bottom of the fence will be pinned to the ground to prevent animals from burrowing underneath. 2.4 Fencing maintenance The following maintenance requirements apply to temporary wildlife fences: • Fencing is to be inspected on a regular basis but no longer than every three weeks, and after any storm event or rig relocations. • If the integrity of the fence is not maintained, then the fence will be repaired, and the site resurveyed for 3 nights at correct conditions. • On inspection, ensure that the fencing polyethene has no rips or tears, and replace any damaged areas ensuring no gaps. • Check that the skirt is pinned down. • Regularly trim any vegetation overhanging the fencing. • An annual check is to be conducted by an approved ecologist on all sites with wildlife fencing. 2.5 Maintenance records A record of fence maintenance must be kept at OGNZL’s Moresby Avenue Office. The record must include corrective actions, dates, and repairs.