Proposed Resource Consent Conditions

65 Condition Explanation d. Whether there should be amendments made to the ELMP or any sub management plan which would better assist the Consent Holder and in meeting the objectives of the ELMP. Administrative Charges 189 The Consent Holder shall pay to the Hauraki District Council all actual and reasonable charges arising from the monitoring of the conditions of this consent and any other administrative charges fixed in accordance with Section 36 of the Act, or any charge prescribed in accordance with regulations made under Section 360 of the Act. Review of Conditions 190 Pursuant to Section 128(1)(a)(i) and (iii) of the Act, the Hauraki District Council may, 12 months from the commencement of this consent and annually thereafter, or on receipt of any of the reports required by this consent, review any or all of the conditions of this consent for the following purposes: a. To review the effectiveness of the conditions of this consent in avoiding, remedying or mitigating any adverse effects on the environment that may arise from the exercise of this consent, and if necessary to avoid, remedy or mitigate such effects by way of further or amended conditions. In deciding to undertake a review and where further or amended conditions are deemed necessary, the Hauraki District Council shall have regard to all of the information contained in the reports required under the conditions of this consent – including data obtained from fixed and roving vibration monitors; or b. To address any adverse effects on the environment which have arisen as a result of the exercise of this consent that were not anticipated at the time of commencement of the consent; or c. To review the adequacy of, and necessity for, any of the monitoring programmes or management plans that are part of the conditions of this consent; or d. For the purposes of amending the vibration limits in Condition 30, or the extent of the pest control programme required by Conditions 157 – 164 to ensure the activity is having a neutral or net positive effect on Archey’s Frog 191 Pursuant to Section 128(1)(a)(i) and (iii) of the Act, the Hauraki District Council may review Common Conditions C62 to C65 in Schedule One of this consent following any change made to the Trust Deed referred to in Condition C62 of Schedule One.