Proposed Resource Consent Conditions

64 Condition Explanation ii. Protocols for the identification of PA infection; and iii. Kauri hygiene protocols for contaminated zones. 186 As part of the ELMP the Consent Holder shall prepare a Pest and Weed Management Plan which shall apply to Areas 2, 5, and 7 and include, at minimum: a. Weed control by a registered weed control contractor; b. Pest management measures to reduce and maintain rats, possums, feral cats and mustelids to low levels within the Planting Areas identified in Condition 171; c. Measures to exclude farm stock; and d. An adaptive management approach, including suitable monitoring, to enable pest and weed management techniques to be modified if target pest densities are not met. 187 The Consent Holder must implement the certified ELMP. However, in the event of any inconsistency between the conditions of this consent and the ELMP the conditions of this consent shall prevail. Reporting 188 By 30 June each year the Consent Holder shall engage a suitably experienced and qualified ecologist to prepare an annual Waihi North Ecological Monitoring Report which covers activities within Areas 2, 4, 5, 6 and 7 for previous years monitoring season. The Waihi North Ecological Monitoring Report shall include: a. A description of the works and other actions completed by the Consent Holder in the previous twelve months; b. Where aspects of the ELMP have not been implemented in accordance with expected timeframes, the Report shall include the reasons why, and the reasonably practicable measures that have been taken by the Consent Holder to address the failure to meet those milestones; c. The effectiveness of the ELMP in achieving their objectives and performance indicators. Where the report identifies the that the performance indicators have not been achieved or maintained the Report shall include: i. The reasons why the performance indicators have not yet been achieved; ii. Advice as to specific measures that have already been implemented, or are intended to be implemented to address the failure to achieve performance indicators; and