Proposed Resource Consent Conditions

63 Condition Explanation 183 As part of the ELMP the Consent Holder shall prepare a Avifauna Management Plan which shall apply to Areas 2, 5, and 7 and shall include, at minimum: a. A construction programme which avoids as far as practicable vegetation clearance during the peak of the native bird breeding season (September to December inclusive) to prevent harm or injury to eggs, chicks, and brooding females; b. Protocols to be followed where avoiding removal of vegetation during the peak native bird breeding season is not practicable to avoid injury or loss of eggs, chicks or active nests; and c. Procedures in the event of accidental injury or mortality of native birds. 184 As part of the ELMP the Consent Holder shall prepare a Lizard Management Plan which shall apply to Areas 2, 5, and 7 and include, at minimum: a. Search methods and effort to be implemented to capture arboreal and ground-dwelling lizards prior to any construction activities within the footprint of Areas 2, 5, and 7 including: i. type of search, and search effort required; ii. lizard handling and temporary containment; and iii. Procedures in the event of accidental injury or death; b. Protocols for relocation of lizards into the Lizard Habitat Enhancement Area required by Condition 171; c. Post release monitoring of the Lizard Habitat Enhancement Area to determine the following success parameters: i. That lizard encounters (copper skink, moko skink) increase over time (including recaptures); ii. That lizard (copper skink, moko skink) habitat use extends into lizard habitat plantings; iii. That captured animals include evidence of breeding (gravid females, juveniles); and iv. Post release monitoring of breeding success within planted habitats. 185 As part of the ELMP the Consent Holder shall prepare a Plant Pathogen Management Plan which shall apply to Areas 2, 5, and 7 and include, at minimum: a. Myrtle rust risk management measures to be implemented during revegetation planting, and during plant maintenance and offset monitoring; b. Kauri dieback protocols, including: i. Identification of kauri presence within Areas 2, 5, and 7;