Proposed Resource Consent Conditions

62 Condition Explanation 181 As part of the ELMP the Consent Holder shall prepare a Vegetation Restoration Management Plan which shall apply to Areas 2, 5, 6 and 7 and include, at minimum: a. The trees and plants to be removed as part of the activities in, and around Area 2, 5, 6 and 7 as part of this consent; b. Details of how, prior to vegetation removal, the appropriate delineation of vegetation to be cleared will be made to avoid accidental vegetation loss; c. A planting plan and method for each Planting Area identified in Condition 171, including a list of suitable alternative plant species that can be substituted in accordance with Condition 173 for species which are identified during annual maintenance as consistently failing; d. A programme detailing the timing of the restoration and enhancement planting in each Planting Area to achieve Condition 171. e. General monitoring, maintenance and replacement requirements to achieve Condition 173; and f. Specific monitoring, maintenance and replacement requirements for the Biodiversity Offset Area and Waihi Biodiversity Offset Enhancement Area to achieve Conditions 174 - 176. 182 As part of the ELMP the Consent Holder shall prepare a Bat Management Plan which shall apply to Areas 2, 5, and 7 and shall include, at minimum: a. Pre-vegetation clearance bat surveys by an appropriately qualified and experienced bat ecologist to determine the presence or absence of bat roosting within vegetation that would be cleared in Areas 2, 5, and 7 under this consent; b. Vegetation (habitat) removal protocols to be followed where bats are confirmed to be present within Areas 2, 5, and 7 to minimise the likelihood of adverse effects on potentially occupied bat roosts during vegetation clearance activities, including: i. Protocols for the identification of potential bat roost habitat is trees; ii. Pre-felling protocols for trees identified as being at high risk of providing potential bat roost habitat; and iii. Protocols for managing and reporting bat injury or mortality; and c. Installation of artificial bat roosts in suitable habitat for bat roosting to replace bat roosting habitat lost by vegetation clearance.