Proposed Resource Consent Conditions

60 Condition Explanation After 20 years if all attributes in a Planting Area are met monitoring of that Planting Area may cease. If attributes are yet to be met monitoring in that Planting Area must continue until they are. The Terrestrial Offset Monitoring must include: a. Vegetation monitoring within 20m x 20m plots, including: i. Four plots within enhancement planting (pine dominant SNA 166) and three plots within revegetation planting (one in each of main planting areas). Final locations shall be determined during first monitoring period once access is confirmed with GPS coordinates and/or permanent markers used to establish boundaries. ii. Identification of all plant species to, determine groundcover, understory and canopy species; iii. Recording percentage canopy cover; and iv Recording canopy height; and b. Bird monitoring at the same locations as the vegetation plots comprising 5 – minute bird counts at each location, replicated four times. 176 The Consent Holder must submit a report to the Hauraki District Council following each 5 yearly Terrestrial Offset Monitoring programme required by Condition 175 which includes: a. The results of all aspects monitored including how they are tracking against the biodiversity attributes; b. Records of any weeds encountered during monitoring; c. Records of any dead/dying plants encountered; d. Recommendations on any additional planting, enhancement or management actions that should be undertaken to ensure the Biodiversity Attributes tables annexed as Attachment 8 to these conditions for a Planting Area are achieved. Access and Protection 177 The Consent Holder shall use its best endeavours to procure the entering into of appropriate covenants and/or encumbrances (or similar legal mechanism) to ensure that, regardless of any future ownership/tenure changes, the areas of land required for revegetation planting specified in Condition 171 are protected in a manner that achieves at least the area of land retirement and revegetation planting specified in Condition 171 in perpetuity and shall upon request from the Hauraki District Council report progress on these best endeavours. Note: The terrestrial planting areas listed in Condition 171 are all on land owned by on under the direct control of OGNZL.